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Greens, tees and bunkers

The full-scale product offering for long-term golf course excellence

With the help of our patented product portfolio, CapillaryFlow help you build world-class tees, greens and bunkers with twice as long lifetime as conventionally constructed ones, with significantly less maintenance

Our products & solutions

Capillary Bunkers

The 3-part bunker protection system that solves your largest bunker problems 

Capillary Bunkers

Bunker Liner

Drains with a rate of more than 100 inches per hour and moves moisture back up, preventing washouts and sand escaping from faces

Capillary Edge

Protects your edges, ensures exact original bunker shapes and greatly reduces edge-trimming

Capillary Wash Box

The only bunker liner in the world that eliminates sand replacements by allowing the washing of it instead

Capillary Hydroponics

The patented subsurface irrigation system that saves up to 83 % water and provides better growing conditions for turfgrass

Capillary Hydroponics

Capillary Hydroponics for Tee Boxes

Ensures flat tees that stays aligned, without unwanted size expansion

Capillary Hydroponic greens, tees and fairways

Capillary Hydroponics for Greens

Design greens with pure sand as the growing medium to ensure optimal drainage and an even moisture holding capacity

Capillary Geothermal

Distributes heat via the irrigation water to keep root zones temperatures in the optimal range for robust grass growth

Capillary Material Cart Paths

Sustainable cart paths

Construct durable surfaces that drain well and last long


Our job is to solve your largest maintenance problems

With the help of our research-proven and patented product portfolio, we have engineered products reducing the most common problems with tees, greens and bunkers. Here is how they can help you


Do you have heavy downfalls in your area but poor drainage in bunkers?

The Capillary Material, our bunker liner, drains water at a capacity of 100 inches per hour, meaning heavy downfalls won’t cause waterlogged bases or wash outs. 

Are your bunkers the number one member and staff complaint?

Our clients have seen up to 75 % less bunker maintenance after a renovation with our bunker liner, where members enjoy the consistent playing experience our liner provides.

Costa Navari

Do you face water consumption restrictions?

According to independent research, Capillary Hydroponics for tee boxes and greens consumes up to 83 % less water, making it ideal for arid environments.

Does your greens drainage not work as intended?

Heavy downfall can cause course closures and lost revenue. Using pure sand as the growing medium and possibility to store excessive precipitation for irrigation, makes drainage work flawlessly.

Do you struggle with tee box alignment and unintentional size expansion?

By precise spot irrigation and not overwatering the tee surroundings, tees stay aligned to their intended design. The robust grass growth enables smaller sized tees as they recover quicker from wear.

Do your tee boxes settle and become uneven quickly after renovations?

The Capillary Material used in the foundation of our tee box construction method withstands pressure of +1000 PSI. No more uneven tees and expensive renovations!

No settling seen five years later

Do you experience poor durability on your tee boxes?

Our Hydroponic system promotes more efficient grass growth than grass grown with overhead irrigation. This means your tee boxes can be used more, for longer. 

We are here to help.

Why should you choose CapillaryFlow for your greens, tees and bunkers construction?

High durability

Our bunker liner technology is more durable than any other competitor, while our hydroponic system promotes more efficient grass growth than conventional methods.

Less maintenance

Our solutions are proven to require up to 50 % of the maintenance inputs normally required for tees, greens and bunkers.

Long experience

Together, our team has handled more than 2000 projects in greenkeeping, golf course management and golf course construction, in all kinds of climates and regions. It’s simply part of us to transfer that to the execution of your project.

15 year performance guarantee

All our solutions, tied together by our Capillary Material, has an unparalleled 15 year structural integrity and drainage performance guarantee. Rest assured that your tees, greens, and bunkers will stay in shape for years to come.

Two full-scale systems ensuring enduring and consistent quality for players, and ease of maintenance for your crew


Capillary Edge

Guarantees that the bunker’s shape remains true to its original design

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Capillary Bunker Liner

Drains 100’ per hour and keeps sand on faces

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Capillary Wash Box

Eliminate sand replacements and reduce touch ups significantly, and achieve large savings

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Capillary Hydroponics for Tee Boxes

Ensures flat tees that stays aligned, without unwanted size expansion

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Capillary Hydroponics for Greens

Design greens with pure sand as the growing medium to ensure optimal drainage and an even moisture holding capacity

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Capillary Geothermal

Distributes heat via the irrigation water to keep root zones temperatures in the optimal range for robust grass growth

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Proprietary smart moisture and playability control system

Flowtrack enables you to monitor & maintain the best performing bunkers, greens and tees from the convenience of your phone, tablet or computer by providing insights on moisture content

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Keep a track of all your CapillaryFlow systems

Alerts & Notifications

Custom data dashboards

Data-driven decisions

Adjust maintenance decisions based on historical data and performance

Remote monitoring

Mobile and web access all FlowTrack devices

Control playing characteristics

By simply adjusting moisture levels

Showcase custom set data

Such as Stimp, green firmness and bunkers' moisture level


Don’t just take our word for it!

We are proud to have helped construct some of the world's top 100 golf courses, from Ryder Cup to PGA venues. Here are what some of them say about us and our products:

Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club

Peter Downie

Clearwater Bay Hong Kong after Super Typhoon I rest my case for Ecobunker & Cappilary Concrete use 👍👏👏

St. Joseph CC

Wyatt Burnett

In case you wanted to see capillary concrete vs 17 year old bunker solutions. It nots a fair fight at all! These bunkers are about 100 yards apart. #capilaryconcrete

Knightsbrook Golf Resort

if every bunker in the golf course had Capillary, it would make life so much easier.

Mount Vintage Golf Club

Rodney Crow

Since installing Capillary Bunkers, we are seeing superior conditions, the moisture levels seem to be staying right where we need them — never too dry or too wet — and our members have absolutely raved about them. The difference between our Capillary Bunkers and the ones we haven’t renovated yet is night and day.

We are Globally present

Our solutions have been installed in more than 1,500 venues in 47 countries across the world


Gothenburg, Sweden

US Office

Wellington, Florida

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Build your next generation golf course with CapillaryFlow

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